An FO. I know. I can't believe it, either.
Especially since it's knit with probably the worst fiber I've ever knit with. The end result....a sweater that I swore I was going to rip out at least two dozen times.
Let's talk fiber first.

Many (many many many) years ago a friend called me and asked if I wanted to go to a moving sale that one of our lowertown artists was having. She had heard that there was yarn.
Sure. (Just what I need. More yarn, right?)
There wasn't anything I was interested in......this artist was a former weaver-turned-potter who had lots and lots of coarse, chunky fibers that she had used for utilitarian weaving projects. Rugs, placemats. Bright colours. Not me. (This was back in my 'brown' days....which preceded the current grey phase.) But stuffed in the way back of one of the closets, I spotted this lone cone of lace weight, sand coloured linen/rayon blend. Yardage was a mystery, but it looked like a lot. It was fifty cents. Last of the big time spenders here. It came home with me and got stuck in the back of another closet.
When my knitting mojo left, apparently so did my knitting common sense. I resurrected this yarn, my tried and true featherweight cardigan pattern and decided that even though I didn't need a fourth featherweight cardigan....nor did I need a cardigan in this sandy-ivory colour, that this was just the perfect summer knitting project.
Go figure.
Before I had knit two rows, this is what I was dealing with.
Seriously....and I do mean s-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y......over spun yarn. Kinky, twisty, awful. I should have stopped immediately and tossed the cone in the trash. But, because I'm me....I thought I'd knit just a bit more.
Rarely, I'd come across a bit of yarn that was OK. And then it crimped up again. And again. And of course, we all know what happens when you knit with over spun yarn, right? No amount of blocking is ever going to get that biased business straightened out.
I think if I had ANYTHING else I really wanted to be knitting on, this would have been trashed, but (sigh) it's such a good summer spite of the fact that it is totally crappy yarn and (for me) an unwearable colour. So I kept going.
To the bitter end.

Biased? Of course.

Look at those sleeves twist!
(Yes. I know. I should have photoshopped the wrinkles out of that shirt. I certainly wasn't going to get the iron out!!!)
But overall, it's not awful for a fifty cent, throw-on summer sweater.
I just wish it was grey.
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