Hi, My Friends.
Freddy here. (Well, not HERE here.)
I couldn't not come into this space at least one last time.
Last time I wrote...a long long time ago...I said I had so much to tell that I could write forever and ever and ever. Well, THAT didn't happen!!, did it?? It was just that all I had to say wasn't much fun to talk about. You see, I was diagnosed with something called degenerative myelopathy. Last time I went to see my doctor (oh, how I LOVE LOVE LOVE ---OOPS, that's LOVED!!! ---my doctor) he told mom the old 'I have bad news and good news and worse news' story. The bad news of course, was my diagnosis, the good news was I wouldn't be in any pain with it, and the worse news was there is no cure.
OK then.
So I went from 'click, click, click, click' (my toenails on our hardwood floors) to 'click, click, click, click' to 'click, click, click, drag' to 'click, click, click, d-r-a-g----thump' (me falling down). This really was not fun. I couldn't jump on the furniture anymore. (At least I still had the vent!) I had to do my doggie pre-wash when I could grab a lick here and there, because I couldn't climb into the dishwasher anymore. I could still rummage in a knitting bag, and I could still find a ballband now and then, but I mainly just shredded it. Somehow, it just wasn't quite as tasty as it used to be. Purses, though, were a different story! Especially if they had chewing gum or chocolate in them (oh joy! oh joy!!). Maybe I'll save that story for another time.
Going potty had been a bit hit and miss anyway before my diagnosis, but now I had to get up two---sometimes three---times a night and even then, I sometimes STILL used the pee pee pad, which as you may remember was strategically placed by the front door even though I always officially went potty out the back door. One of my quirks. It took a whole lot of 'click, click, click, drag----thumps' to get all the way to that spot but I hardly ever missed. I pooped whereever I pleased. Hey---give me a break. Old people always talk about their bathroom habits. Why should I be any different? (And I know what you are wondering...most definitely, I still found my poop very very delicious.)
My last few days were 'click, click, drag, d-r-a-g---thump...will someone help me up?; I was not having any fun at all.
So, I had a very peaceful send off, and now I am residing in the hole I left in my mom's heart. And, I'm still teaching her stuff.
As she gathered up my belongings...my bed, collar, leash, cookies, heart medicine (you did know I had a heart condition, too, right? I sort of forgot about that, because I got THAT diagnosis years ago!!!), it became quite clear that I traveled on this earth very lightly, yet brought unending joy to all around me. I really did lead a minimalist life.
People are the very most important things...not things.
And---Memories are forever.
Forever yours,
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