That giant, viney weed prompted a little walk-about late yesterday. It was a blight on the view out the window next to my computer. It would have been a much more fruitful weeding outing if I had left the camera in the house.
That vine is gone, although I can see three more this morning that I swear weren't there yesterday afternoon. And the weeds in front of the hive are history. I'm fascinated by these honeybees. I don't know much about them; this is the second year I'm 'fostering' them (which means I get to look at them but not do any of the work to take care of them), and I love them more every day. They are incredibly docile. I merrily weeded in front of the hive....inches from them, and they totally ignored me. Busy doing their buzzy bee business.
The last two photos, though. WHOA. Bumblebees are a totally different animal. The vitex (chaste tree) is in full bloom and covered by bumbles. Later in the season they will compete with butterflies, but at the moment they seem to have the tree to themselves. And they are NOT WILLING TO SHARE THEIR SPACE! AT ALL. I s-l-o-w-l-y moved in inch by inch for a couple shots and three times ended up with a swarm (to me 10-12 bees buzzing in my face constitutes a swarm) trying their best to run me off.
They won. Maybe I won. I got away without getting stung, and made a bee-line (heehee) to the house.
To find this little guy clinging to my night blooming cereus (which hasn't bloomed in two's overdue) right outside the kitchen door. Mom and Dad no where in sight.
But he had a guardian angel watching over him.
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