Have you all met Amber? I'm not sure how I stumbled into her blog--or if she hopped into mine first, but her Rowan and Oak is a must-read for me. I check her posts daily. She is a young mom with two of the most adorable red-haired children; she sews for them and for Alice (#1 dolly). Her photography is amazing. She's an herbalist and she shares incredible information about her herbs in such a way that you KNOW she LOVES what she does. (I'm still looking for miner's lettuce--last week I didn't even know there was such a thing--now I NEED SOME!) But the most amazing thing to me is that somehow we connected--and she's not a knitter. (If I lived next door to her, I'm sure she would be.) I love getting caught up in her passion for her young family and her herbs--and she obviously has gotten something from this grandma and my knitting, because she most generously awarded me the Liebster Award for small blogs. (Before I could "accept", though, she had to show me how to get the little Liebster logo onto my blog----I'm hopeless....I'm always surprised when my posts actually POST!)
The rules here are pretty simple....you just pass the honor forward to three deserving small blogs. They, then, give the "award" to three others, and link back here. Of course, I have no idea how to figure out how many people read blogs (and Amber tried to tell me, but honestly, one computer thing a day for me is my limit----and I'm pretty excited about the logo thing, because MAYBE just maybe I can figure out how to get the Ravelry button on my sidebar????)
Anyway, I'm known to change the rules..... I haven't been blogging all that long, so these blogs I'm passing this award on to may have already won this award in the past, and may have (probably do have) so many readers that they don't qualify as small blogs, but here goes:
Tracey at Clover was, I think, my very first blog friend. Her blog is a tranquil escape....her posts a delight, her thoughtfulness so much appreciated. Every post begins with a quote, and how she manages to match her quotes with her topic of the day never ceases to amaze me. They are PERFECT. Right on. Never fails. While she pooh-poohs her photography as just this little point and shoot (?????) it's stunning--and how she nestles her knitting amidst her gardening passion is breathtaking. Her knitting....she calls herself a new knitter, but she performs like a pro. She has a huge following. I'm one of them. I still think she deserves this award.
Karen at Pumpkinsunrise was I think maybe my second blog friend. A knitter extraordinaire!!! Such an inspiration--and such a kindred spirit. We read the same books, we knit the same patterns, we have a grown daughter and grown son (although mine are more grown than hers!). And her Frodo was my Freddy's first blog buddy. I think she, too, has a vast following--see I'm not following the rules at all here--but just on the outside chance you haven't stumbled into her world....please do. You won't be sorry.
My third nominee is a new-to-me blog....Laura's Sew.knit.grow. Another young mom, doing it all, and doing it all right. Such an inspiration--and she catches some of the funniest moments in the day. Like I said---I'm new to her blog, but she's one of the reasons the sewing machine is going to make an appearance one of these days soon!
I'm in and out of so many wonderful blogs throughout the week--thank you all for sharing parts of your day with me, and for being a tremendous inspiration. I send you all the above orchid...photo taken last spring in Costa Rica. Our guide said it blooms for one day---once a year--and we were there for it. (the next day, it was gone--I checked.) I'm afraid I have no idea it's name. I just call it Beautiful.*
*Amber thinks it might be a vanilla orchid. I believe her. It's still Beautiful to me.
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