oh!!! little birdie!!!! what are you doing between the storm window and house window??? how did you get there? (probably the same way the leaf and dead beetles did)
The storm window slipped part-way down (old house----my usual excuse for all the wierd goings-on) and since I certainly had no intentions of opening the inner window during the winter, I didn't feel any immediate need to wrestle the windows to fix this. Spring will be here soon enough---and then I can shovel out remove all the debris that has flown in. I certainly didn't expect a feathered friend to find this 3" opening and fall through. I bet he felt a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole.
Cute little fella, isn't he? (yes, he's a he.) At first I thought he was injured...see the little red spot on his head? No, definitely feathers. I only got a quick look....PapaGeek was h*ll-bent on taking care of this i.m.m.e.d.i.a.t.e.l.y and I could tell just taking the photo was pushing my luck. If he had to wait until I got out the bird book, I would have lost my helper.
Meet our Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula), the second smallest bird in the state. The 'hidden' ruby-colored crown was the give-away. I'm terrible at identifying birds. This little guy is apparently here year-round, and I'm sure I previously just identified him as another LBJ (little brown job), even though he's really more grayish-greenish-brown. They like to flit around low shrubs.....so NOW I know what dive-bombs me on my way to the car. We have a million of them. I'll be more attuned.
We (actually not me) wrapped him in a towel, brought him in to take him out, and deposited him on the patio. He immediately flew into the kitchen window. thunk. Cute, but definitely not the brightest bulb in the box.
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