The last couple weeks, I've been reading.....a bunch. Writing pages every day. Taking copious numbers of photographs. Collecting photos from the internet. Editing and rearranging a whole lot of old photos. And even squeezing in a little knitting every so often. So why no blog posts?
Anyone want to read my 45 minute paper on the Great Wildebeest Migration? I didn't think so. (It's really quite interesting, least, I'm hoping that the club I'm in thinks so next fall.) The topic this year was 'Journeys'; I was torn between the wildebeests and the Monarch butterflies. The wildebeests won because in 2013 I was part of a 'journey' to Kenya and I thought if my paper ran short, I could supplement it with my trip. (Always pays to plan ahead, right?) As it turns out....the paper didn't need a supplement. Those critters are pretty fascinating.
When the reading and writing for that paper was finished (it was actually selective many textbooks on African ecosystems can one really attentively read?)...I turned to my pile of conservation books. I'm starting a conservation book-club for my garden club, but I wanted to read some of them to be sure I wasn't recommending some real yawners. (see the selective reading/textbook problem above that I had with the Migration!)
I started with a second read of Slow Death by Rubber Duck, and was rather appalled that I had managed to regress in so many areas since the first time I read it. It would have been a real quick read, but I had to clean out kitchen cupboards and bathroom closets as I read. I followed that with the Hidden Life of Trees....a lovely book, beautifully written, that everyone should have on their to-read list.
Of course, I'm a tree-hugger from way back, literally.
I've passed along these two books, but as you can see, I still have a nice pile I'm working my way through. Second Nature will be a second-time-around read for me...I've just started The Blue Death. If you all have any conservation-type books you think I need to add to my pile...!!!please!!! let me know.
I squeezed in a 'fun' read...Billie Letts, Made in the USA. It was a disappointment. Just couldn't compare to Trees and Rubber Ducks.
The picture taking? I have a couple hundred photos of the ball players staying with us. Maybe they'll be famous someday; sadly, I'm no Annie Leibovitz. We go to most of the games...some days are so hot, it's hard to knit even socks, so I entertain myself with the camera. Pictures of ball players in dirty uniforms, though, probably wouldn't entertain anyone reading a knitting blog, now would it?
So the little bit of knitting that I've been doing?
Another Searsport Market Bag from Drop Dead Easy Knits....requested by a couple granddaughters. The bags must be done by beach-time in a little over a month. The temporarily set aside to make some progress on the bags, but they definitely didn't get sent to time-out. I like them too much.
Fun reading waiting in the wings?
If I actually get to these, I might never have time to blog again.
Fred's ready to take over.
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