First there were the trips....Galapagos (WOW) and Iceland (WOW, COLD, WOW).
Then the holidays.
Then photography class started up again...feeding the compulsion and passion that has driven me for the past couple of years...leading to online workshops and YouTube videos and Udemy and CreativeLive and Bluprint+Craftsy.
Hours turned into days, turned into weeks, turned into months.
I heard from a few very faithful followers that they could no longer access the blog. Was it me? Was it the server?
Then I had computer issues.
New computer. Learning curve. STEEP learning curve.
And this morning, I logged in....and it appears that perhaps I can still blog after all.
I'm not convinced there is anyone out there to even 'blog' to's been so long.
I'm not convinced that this is going to send!
Oh, well. No guts. No glory.
Here we go-o-o-o-o-o-o!
IF this goes...and IF you see it...and IF you have a minute or two to let me know.....I sure would appreciate it.
And so would Fred. He's anxious to get back to the keyboard, too. Man oh man....he has saved up a bunch of posts!!!
Hello!! You're back!! I even created a TypePad account just so I could comment ... to let you know that even though I'm not into knitting or photography, I really enjoy reading your blog and hearing from you and Freddy! Would LOVE to hear about your trips ... or even just what you're reading lately ..
Best wishes for 2019 from Vancouver, Canada
Posted by: Samantha | 01/28/2019 at 01:26 PM
Hi there! You came through loud and clear. Like Samantha, I created a TypePad account so you would know your followers are still out here. Looking forward to hearing your adventures as well as Freddy's.
Posted by: csj0423 | 01/28/2019 at 02:36 PM
Hello! Like others I've created a typepad account just to let you know I look forward to your posts, and have missed them these last few weeks.
Hope you continue and are able to fill us in on your lovely trips. Love to Freddy,
Langley, BC
Posted by: Kelllou | 01/28/2019 at 09:36 PM
Hello there, you have been missed. I too have been having problems with my iPad as it wouldn’t let me comment on your page. Hey ho seems to be fixed.( don’t ask me how I did it, I just fiddled around with some of the buttons!!! Then it worked), bet it doesn’t happen next time. Sounds like you have been way too busy to blog the photos are brill. Hello to Freddy hope it wasn’t bits of his hair in the computer as he does appear to nod off anywhere. Did you see the Nirthen lights whilst in Iceland? Our son and daughter in law went last year but didn’t catch them.
Posted by: Jacqueline Webb | 01/29/2019 at 06:02 AM
Well welcome back Steph! I hope you are here to stay and I'm glad you here! Let's hope that the computer and you have a long happy relationship together!
Posted by: Karen A | 01/29/2019 at 04:34 PM
*waves* Welcome back! I'm a long time blog reader and am glad you have decided to return x
Posted by: Vicky | 01/30/2019 at 05:57 AM
Thanks, all!!! I appreciate you taking the time to let me know that you all are still there. Some friends are forever friends....and you all obviously fit into that category!!!
Posted by: steph@woolythyme | 01/30/2019 at 07:51 AM
Welcome back! I've definitely missed seeing you in my blog feed :)
Posted by: Katriddell | 01/31/2019 at 08:14 AM