My mom got a new toy. Can you tell what it is? Can you tell I'm overly excited about the whole thing?
Her new wide-angle lens can take a picture of a whole room at the same time. This room is where we play on the computer, knit, sleep (that would be me), and sort of hang out. (Mom really needs to straighten the pictures on the wall.)
It works really great for this. So why did she have to start messing around....
This is not a very attractive picture of me, and not just because I'm sort of out of focus. MY!NOSE!IS!NOT!THAT!BIG!!!! After about 50 or a million out-takes (remember, it's new, so she's in a playful mood)...I decided to end this game.
She is too, and changes to a different lens.
What is with the nose-shots today?
There. That's better. I look more like myself.
She told me to please mention the newly finished baby sweater I'm sitting on. Apparently, this is a picture of it, too.
Freddie does not have an overly large nose, it is just the right size!
Posted by: Ann Denton | 03/26/2017 at 09:51 AM
Don't worry about the crooked pictures. In my house I always say "it's because I've been dusting".
Posted by: Jacqueline Webb | 03/26/2017 at 01:53 PM
Freddy, you look so handsome in the last shot with your perfect size nose! Maybe you will allow mom to show us the baby sweater another day!
Posted by: Karen B. | 03/26/2017 at 04:46 PM
Be still my heart! What a beautiful knitting corner!
Posted by: Laura | 03/26/2017 at 06:47 PM
maybe.......but, then again---maybe not!!!
Posted by: steph@woolythyme | 03/26/2017 at 10:34 PM
Tell your mom I love her room! Screw straight pictures.
Posted by: Andrea @ This Knitted Life | 03/26/2017 at 10:57 PM
Freddy, please tell your mom I LOVE her room and ask her to tell us more about her new toy. You look wonderful. And, maybe... just maybe... you could show us that baby sweater. ;) blessings ~ tanna
Posted by: tanna | 03/27/2017 at 06:13 AM
I love Freddie's sad little face. I have two sad face doggies and then I have my little bundle of happiness. LOL
Posted by: Judy | 03/27/2017 at 09:46 AM
No miss Tanna. I really can't.
Sent from my iPhone
Posted by: steph@woolythyme | 03/27/2017 at 09:58 AM
Experiencing room envy. Freddy - you look sweet (which probably is not what you wanted to hear).
Posted by: Vera | 03/28/2017 at 01:22 PM
you lucky girl (I was going to say dog). I don't have one of those yet!!
Posted by: karen | 03/29/2017 at 07:57 AM
Enjoy the new lens! Fun times. I love the picture of your happy room, and the the Freddy pictures of course!
Posted by: ellen | 03/29/2017 at 01:41 PM