- A trip to Memphis to visit our 'sister church'....same architect, same design---for the most part, same footprint, only our church is the baby sister. It rained on us.
We came home with so many ideas and plans and hopes and dreams...but top priority will most likely be the gardens and ceiling tiles. The rain certainly didn't dampen our enthusiasm!
- Garden Clubs of Kentucky recognized and dedicated the Monarch Watch Certified butterfly garden I've been involved with at Whitehaven; the only Monarchs to appear were eaten immediately!! but this swallowtail made sure everyone knew we had a 'working' butterfly garden.
The dedication ended, we packed up our tables and goodies....and it rained.
- This was Pollinator Weekend at the Lake, so I had to make a quick trip up there to visit Alicia, owner of Ironweed Nursery where we bought the plants for the butterfly garden. She only deals in native plants; the way they took off and filled in our garden in only a year--it was actually a year to the day since we planted our baby plants!!!--- has made me a real convert, so of course, I had to buy a few for my garden.
(That was her table display....I wanted to buy that many, but didn't. How could I have gotten them all to the car? It was pouring!!)
- Between raindrops, I ran out to Mt. Kenton cemetery for my first photo assignment in the photography class I'm taking. Something stationary. Using a prime lens. Camera set on automatic. Definitely a case of a little tiny bit of knowledge making this assignment frustratingly difficult. I always shoot in manual mode. 'Auto' stinks. BUT...I've lived in this town almost 35 years and had never visited Alben Barkley's grave. (He was vice president under Truman) I must admit, I was a bit disappointed; I thought the monument would be fancier and larger (I came equipped with an 8 foot ladder!! which I obviously didn't need!) But, I got to check off that local tourist stop and enjoy a few minutes of peace and solitude in a very lovely setting.
And then it rained some more.
And I was totally fine with that...
I baked my favorite blueberry coffee cake for Sunday School Rally Day this morning,
and then...
Freddy and I cozied up on the sofa and worked on yet another...sock yarn blanket.
I love rainy weekends.
Looked like wonderful times. I took pictures of Irvin Cobb's grave for my paper on him to present to Kalosophic. Did you hear that paper? Fascinating man! Was rolled up to surgery smoking a cigar! So excited about the garden at Whitehaven for butterflies! Great work!
Posted by: marilyn Ann Denton | 08/21/2016 at 08:23 AM
another local site i need to visit!!!
Posted by: steph@woolythyme | 08/21/2016 at 08:53 AM
Oh, oh, oh! I can't resist plant sales tables. They call to me from afar. Space in the car footwells is always the limiting factor!
Posted by: rusty duck | 08/21/2016 at 09:28 AM
What wonderful photos! I would love to buy that table full of plants too ...
Sometimes, rainy weekends are just the very best of all.
Posted by: Bridget | 08/21/2016 at 10:01 AM
How wonderful to see the sister church. I think I would have had a hard time not buying all those plants. Good thing that I wasn't there as I am a plant murderer, but that would not have stopped me from buying them.
Another sock yarn blanket!!! Whoot whoot.
You let me know if you needs some scrappity scraps. I will mail them out immediately. :)
Posted by: Andi | 08/21/2016 at 11:45 AM
you know what I'm most impressed with? That you brought along an 8 foot ladder for your photo assignment!!
Posted by: DIane | 08/21/2016 at 02:52 PM
beautiful blanket and what a fun blanket companion to have to cheer you on. I love those butterfly cookies!! I would eat at least TWO.
Posted by: karen | 08/21/2016 at 04:40 PM
I love rainy weekends, too! So cozy.
Those butterfly cookies are amazing. I can't image how anyone got that much detail in frosting!
Posted by: Caffeine Girl | 08/21/2016 at 07:41 PM
beautiful church! reminds me of Princeton :) Glad for such a nice weekend!
Posted by: Elizabeth | 08/21/2016 at 09:36 PM
What I wouldn't give for just one singke day of rain! Pretty church, btw. Nit much knitting here this weekend. Kinda bummed about that.
Posted by: Andrea @ This Knitted Life | 08/21/2016 at 10:53 PM
Oooh! Photography class, how exciting! Your photos are always so lovely but what a really challenging assignment! A new way of thinking about pictures, I guess? We have cooler weather here today and I am insanely grateful for that!
Posted by: AsKatKnits | 08/22/2016 at 07:30 AM
I really enjoyed the photos of your lovely weekend. You finished it up in the best of ways :)
Posted by: ellen | 08/23/2016 at 06:47 PM