Hitofude has been a leap of faith from the cast on...
I don't think I've ever knit a sweater with a construction that comes close to this one, and honestly, I wasn't really envisioning how this was going to work, even after I was well into it.
You begin with two provisional cast ons of varying lengths. After about 13" of lace work, you remove the cast-on on one side and do a 3-needle bind off....one sleeve. OK. I followed that. Then you remove the longer cast on, do a 3-needle bind off for the other sleeve and then somehow what is left turns in to the neck and shoulders and beginning of the front and I still can't quite figure out how that happened, but it did. (another reason why I will never be a designer. I often have trouble just being a knitter.)
Unless I'm very much mistaken, I think what was supposed to happen, happened. It sort of looks like it might be a sweater someday.
While I know this shouldn't have come as a shock...
the 3-needle BO actually looks like it continues the pattern pretty well. It's rarely my seaming method of choice, but in the spirit of not having any finishing at the end, and following along with the blind faith of the whole project, I had no other choice. (Phew. I could have really messed things up here. I really wanted to just mattress seam or kitchener or anything but that 3-needle-thing. A near miss.)
I'm now back to doing the basic 8-row lace pattern after a little bit of ribbing (which I think is the waist, although how can that be?); soon I'll be starting the increases, and I'm clueless how they will be integrated into the pattern. My leap of faith continues.
The one thing I haven't been too concerned with (yet) is running out of yarn...
I think that big ball just means there is A WHOLE LOT more knitting ahead!!!
* * * * * * * *
I seriously believe there is still a lifetime of lace knitting ahead here, so there is ample time for anyone who would like to knit along with us (Karen and me). Be sure to hop around and look at everyone's hitofude-in-progress (or the other things people are knitting-along-with....we're not picky!) If you want to just leave a comment about your progress, that works, too. (I personally decided to leave out all MY '*&*$#@%^%*&@!@#!!' comments as I undid the provisional cast on. Once again, I screwed up the provisional cast on and it wouldn't unzip. That was NOT FUN. Fingers crossed that yours goes better than mine did.)
Wow... it's wonderful, Steph! It sounds VERY complicated... That's probably why I gave up sweater-knitting--pulling my hair out too much trying to puzzle our instructions...LOL! That is a HUGE ball of yarn still...more amazement... Happy Day ((HUGS))
Posted by: Tracy | 09/02/2014 at 03:08 AM
good golly miss molly!!! yours is gorgeous and you are so ahead of me! Can I blame the kids??? please! I know my provisional cast on will not unzip, I am ready for the picking....I was too lazy to get a crochet needle out of storage. Lovely work Steph :)
Posted by: karen | 09/02/2014 at 06:53 AM
You are cooking! :-D
Posted by: thecrazysheeplady | 09/02/2014 at 06:56 AM
Phew, looks like an interesting but tiring project! I think it is looking very nice. I actually look back fondly on the types of projects where the construction is confusing or new to me. I feel as though it is working the brain.
Posted by: Pumpkin | 09/02/2014 at 07:03 AM
Well, that is quite an interesting design and now you really have me waning to cast on just so I can see it all flow from my needles.
I love it!
Posted by: Tracey | 09/02/2014 at 07:30 AM
That looks very complicated!! I know it will be beautiful, as all of your work is! Your Labor Day weekend looks like it was full of labor!
Have a happy day!
Posted by: Katrine | 09/02/2014 at 08:21 AM
It makes me SO happy that an experienced, expert knitter like you has trouble with provisional cast on! (Oh!, that sounds bad doesn't it? Sorry.) Actually, it gives me confidence - I won't hang my head in shame the next time it happens to me. ;-)
Sweater is going to be lovely.
Posted by: Flora Roszel | 09/02/2014 at 08:39 AM
It looks so beautiful! And like it actually is a sweater! You are zooming along - great job!
Posted by: Brandy | 09/02/2014 at 08:52 AM
LOVE it. You are wearing my "NO MORE YARN" resistance down with every post about this. I don't have that much fingering weight (wait! maybe I do! I bought a ton for a two shawls and didn't start either one....must go searching for that!!!) I have a bunch of off-white. That might be very pretty with this lace design. I might be joining in yet. And I hope I don't have to have a *&^%$#$ edge, I just tore out 15 rows of lace-weight mohair (the kind you can't tear out).
Posted by: Amber | 09/02/2014 at 02:02 PM
I wouldn't know where to start.. Respect!
Posted by: rusty duck | 09/02/2014 at 04:41 PM
"another reason why I will never be a designer. I often have trouble just being a knitter."
This is exactly how I feel. Your sweater looks great, an admirable job, indeed. Just reading the words provisional cast-on makes my hands sweat.
How many times was it supposed to zip, "easy peasy" and I was reduced to near tears and language no child should have to endure, unless they are apprenticing on a boat in the Royal Navy?
Posted by: ellen | 09/02/2014 at 06:00 PM
I have a feeling I'll be using YouTube a lot for this knit...I ordered yarn and anxiously awaiting its delivery. it sounds like there are things I've never done before. Provisional cast on and 3 needle bind off?
Posted by: Jennifer Miller | 09/03/2014 at 08:27 AM
Oh boy, you have no idea how much i want to join you in this knit along! Your Hitofude looks amazing and I love hearing your play by play commentary on the process. I'm sure it will come in handy when I do get around to casting this one on the needles. Enjoy! xo
Posted by: Leigh | 09/03/2014 at 02:33 PM
Looking wonderful so far and yes, most definitely sweater-like! Mine is still buried in the WIP basket and probably won't see the light of day until next March when I visit my parents in Vietnam. By then, I will be craving the feel of linen yarn again. Might even have to knit another one in grey. So lovely!
Posted by: Tien | 09/03/2014 at 07:53 PM
Oh my, you are such a fast knitter. I am getting the feeling you will have finished this project before I finally settle on the right kind of yarn!
The construction of this sounds challenging. I hope I can get my head around it. I seem to have a thing about NOT following instructions (something about not liking to be told?!) so even a simple sock pattern seems to morph into something not QUITE as outlined... I'll try to be strict with myself with this one I think.
Posted by: Iris | 09/04/2014 at 03:29 PM
I must have had some sort of ESP and started without knowing you two had also!! Yea! I bought this pattern last October and FINALLY started it... mainly because I was wondering why on earth I was trying another sweater... I never like to wear them. LOL! But, I am loving knitting this one anyway! I should be knitting instead of blog reading... LOL! but, I've been deprived of both while the Little Men were visiting. We went to Canton in the sweltering heat, too! Hope to see you there later this year. blessings ~ tanna
Posted by: tanna | 09/05/2014 at 03:06 PM
Ahhh.....so that's what it's supposed to look like.
I was so confused
Really, it's lovely. Looking forward to your progress.
Posted by: Debra | 09/07/2014 at 07:48 PM