Dear Hitofude,
I'm sorry I didn't 'feature' you on the 'Yarnalong' yesterday. I know you're worried. You are right. There IS a lot of competition for attention around this household lately. Maybe a bit too much.
Umaro found himself out of hibernation and kept me company though a couple of baseball games. But, you don't have to worry about him. It's much too hot again and he's back in hibernation, even though he's now big enough to pretend he's done and bedeck a chair back.
Little pumpkin socks reached the 1/2-way point. You know, one sock done. This is always a good place to pause. (Reason so many orphan socks live here.) So, don't worry about them. October is still pretty far away. (I didn't even cast on the second sock.)
Woodland shawl was fun when I discovered that the stash actually held a leaf-like color. But, the love has waned here.
The church pew shawl will get knit during Sunday school---on Sunday mornings. That's it. The end. (I really hate those big needles.)
The Mitered Cross Blanket may steal some attention now and again. It's portable; it's mindless. But, I know I'm in for the long haul here, so once, again----I wish you wouldn't panic so.
Funky Grandpa... ooooo, that might be a little different story....(I love you, Grandpa!!!! love, love, love, love!)
and Rachel has asked for a scarf to go with her hot pink winter coat...(I love her, too!!!!)
I think she might like these mittens as well. What do you think? (HUSH. Shame on you. Stop being so negative.)
But, Hitofude, YOU are the only one to get a knitalong. Karen and I won't let you down. Neither will all the other kind knitters who are joining knit you, to cheer us on, to keep us company with other knits, and to just follow your progress.
I PROMISE (promise, promise, promise, promise, promise)....
that you will look much, much better by Tuesday, when you have your next photo shoot. Promise. But, remember. This is a knitalong, not a competition. There is no race; and no sprint to the finish line.
So, please. Stop the whining.
I will be cheering Hitofude on from the sidelines.
I decided I already have enough projects to work on, although only a fraction of what you have there, and they are driving me nuts. I really think I am a one project at a time knitter and can't quite figure out how I ended up with four projects going at once.
Posted by: Tracey | 08/28/2014 at 09:33 AM
hee hee, I picked mine up today and thought of you! You do have quite the collection of knitting projects. I am still where I was three days ago because I'm still "busy" with life. As you know I'm waiting to be bored!!
Posted by: karen | 08/28/2014 at 01:54 PM
When I first clicked through, I thought that top image was your Hitofude and I thought, "Holy moly speed boats, she has done nothing but knit the cardigan. She's out of control." Now I feel much much better about myself. I am almost done with my Clarity cardigan and I have another jacket left in the WIP basket over the summer that I want to pick up. This is becoming a naughty KAL. Here's what I'm supposed to be working on ...and everything else I'm working on instead. Yay!
Posted by: Brandy | 08/28/2014 at 02:05 PM
Oh my, what a lot of knitting. I love Grandpa and Hitofude. Of course all the rest of your projects are great also, but these are the ones that made me really smile. Can't wait to see those mittens.
Posted by: CathieJ | 08/28/2014 at 04:50 PM
haha... Soooo many LOVELIES on your needles there, Steph... swooner every one. LOVE the mittens idea! And I thought I had a lot of projects on the go... LOL! ;o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
Posted by: Tracy | 08/29/2014 at 06:12 AM
WOWZER. Competition for an attention is an understatement. :-D If I were you, I'd be having a hard time working on anything besides that Funky Grandpa cardigan. I'm a sucker for stripes
Posted by: Michelle | 08/29/2014 at 11:09 AM
Your needles have sure been busy! I love seeing all that you have going on... happy knitting!
Posted by: Erin @ Wild Whispers | 08/29/2014 at 12:02 PM
I'm loving the thought that I'd hear my unfinished projects all shouting for attention if I just listened hard enough, and feeling slightly sorry for them given the current knitting ban around here.
You've got some great knits on the go here Steph. Re. socks, why not just knit singles and wear unmatched pairs?
Posted by: Annie @ knitsofacto | 08/29/2014 at 12:07 PM
hee hee....I do!!!
Posted by: steph@woolythyme | 08/29/2014 at 02:31 PM
Your projects are all so beautiful. I love your disdain for the big needles, ha! I can see your gravitation to the Grampa, that's going to be a treat to wear. It's distracting me. I think it's funny how Rachel asked for a scarf to go with her coat, yet you're eyeing mittens. I love your knitting energy, it's fun and inspiring. My desire to work on my pumpkin socks is strong, but it will have to wait.
Posted by: ellen | 08/29/2014 at 07:04 PM
SO many wonderful knits- you definitely are a multi-tasker. Love the socks Steph!
Beautiful pattern in the woodland shawl.
Have knitting!
Posted by: Camilla | 08/30/2014 at 09:26 AM
Dear Hitofude,
It's me, Debi. The knitter that threw your beginnings in the trash so frustrated was I with the beginning of the pattern and the not so impressive yarn.
Shhhhh...don't tell Stephanie. She needs to believe I'm still in the KAL.
Maybe I will revisit you again someday.
Posted by: Debra | 08/30/2014 at 02:49 PM
Hahahahaha! I don't believe that I have commented on your blog before but I just could not resist posting one today. Loved the tone of this post, your creative sense of humor. You made me chuckle and smile. All of your projects look amazing and I can't wait to see your finished items. I have even bookmarked a couple of your items to make one day.
Posted by: kelliinkc | 08/30/2014 at 03:41 PM
I can't believe you have so many projects going at one time! No wonder Hitofude feels neglected! I've been shopping on line right now for yarn for the loosey-goosey KAL. I've found some yummy yarn, but can't decide if the slightly variegated will look funny or if should stick with the solids I've found? Thoughts?
Posted by: Jennifer Miller | 08/31/2014 at 03:16 PM
I must admit, I've only seen it (up close and personal) in a solid color.....I'm wondering if there are photos in the project section of Rav??? Off the cuff thinking....I'm afraid a real variegated would be lost with all the lace; a very subtle variegation might work just fine.
Posted by: steph@woolythyme | 08/31/2014 at 03:32 PM