This book appeared in the mail yesterday--gifted to me by a dear friend. Leave it to a former librarian to find a fiber-lover's treasure of a reference book! Fleece & Fiber by Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius is not a book I'd ever attempt to read cover to cover, but between those covers is everything you could ever want to know about over 200 fiber producing animals and their fleeces. While I think this book might be actually indispensible to a spinner (with fleece weight, staple length, fiber diameters, and lock characteristics about each animal), each entry also contains a statement on how the fleece holds up to knitting, the most appropriate kinds of uses, and overall softness of the yarn. It really makes me want to try to find some Dalesbred or Hog Island or Lincoln Longwool, or maybe Svardsjo or Dleu du Maine--- or how about Pygora or Pycazz (they are goats). It's a fascinating reference and makes the Zephyr that I'm knitting with now (50% tussah silk/50% merino wool) seem simply mundane.
On the needles.....that black blob will someday be Featherweight by Hannah Fettig. After seeing Karen's at pumpkinsunrise I'm a little sad that I didn't choose some other lace weight yarn in the stash with a bit of color; hers is quite gorgeous; mine will be very utilitarian---but, who can't use a BASIC black summer weight sweater?
Joining Ginny for Yarnalong and Tami for WIP Wednesday! Come get inspired!!!
Interesting book... I can definitely see the usefulness of it. And I've followed your ravelry links, that cardigan is sure to be a show stopper!
PS - Loved your last post! ;-)
Posted by: Olallieberry | 07/25/2012 at 07:30 AM
I think a black sweater is as versatile as the little black dress.
Posted by: Heather | 07/25/2012 at 07:45 AM
I think that your black blob will be worn threadbare as it will be the easiest thing to grab as it will go with anything. Love it.
Also I need a friend like yours.
Posted by: Sally Trollip | 07/25/2012 at 08:20 AM
So, are you inticed to start spinning? Looks like a super book.
Posted by: Tracey | 07/25/2012 at 08:45 AM
I love your basic black blob :) It would go with my wardrobe!! My sister is knitting a featherweight in black and it's hard for her to see. That book is gorgeous and I want to do a flip through to see it. I do not spin so that would take away some of the excitement...
Posted by: swanski | 07/25/2012 at 12:35 PM
The black will be great! Karen's is gorgeous, but yours will be, too :)
Posted by: Kristen | 07/25/2012 at 01:25 PM
Fleece & Fiber is on my wishlist. I have heard is awesome.
Posted by: Donna | 07/25/2012 at 03:11 PM
Ahhh... one can never go wrong with basic black! Looking forward to seeing this one! blessings ~ tanna
Posted by: tanna | 07/25/2012 at 07:35 PM
I went to a local market recently where a woman was spinning and selling yarn made from DOG HAIR!!!! Samoyed and Husky dogs. I was quite taken aback. I wonder if that is in your fibre book??
Posted by: Greer | 07/26/2012 at 06:10 AM
Ah! Now I thought about buying that book but was told it's really American in orientation and doesn't list all UK breeds. Can you confirm?
And featherweight is on my list for when I've lost the rest of the weight. I must have a look at Karen's but I like the thought of featherweight in black, very chic :D
Posted by: Annie @ knitsofacto | 07/26/2012 at 07:21 AM
That book is wonderful! Great share! I have a light weight summer sweater in black and I love it. It goes with everything!
Posted by: Erin @ Wild Whispers | 07/26/2012 at 09:35 AM
Yours looks just perfect! I love the lightweight yarns. They're very appealing to me. Probably because I live in California...
Posted by: Amber | 07/26/2012 at 10:39 AM
i would be more than happy to take that black, utilitarian cardi off your hands :)
Posted by: amanda {the habit of being} | 07/26/2012 at 12:45 PM
oh how gorgeous it is going to be, i would love to have one too.
Posted by: lori | 07/27/2012 at 12:42 AM