No, I'm not a crocheter (I'm a KNITTER!). This doesn't mean, though, that I don't ever crochet. I do--sort of.
There is something just old-fashioned cozy about granny squares. I used to think of granny square afghans as so totally awful and grandma-ish (duh!), until I discovered Lucy's Attic24 blog. Her colors! Her style! Her fun approach to granny squares and crocheting in general has made me a mini convert. And crocheting goes FAST.
This was the overriding reason I started a boo-boo blanket for the CandyMan. I decided he needed this--and I only had a couple weeks to finish it before he had some minor surgery (if you call any kind of surgery on a 7 year old minor). Colors were a given--it would have to be University of Kentucky Wildcat blue and white. (We live in Kentucky--about 3/4 of the inhabitants of Kentucky claim their blood runs blue for UK, whether they are alums or not. I don't get this. My blood just runs red.)
Anyway, I had a limited time to finish this, so crocheting it had to be. On your mark, get set CROCHET!!! 100 little granny squares and the border--if I do x number of squares a day....oh, I can do a few more than that...a couple of insomniatic a few extra in there...put some pasta on to boil, I can get a square done while it cooks...yep, I was POSSESSED!!!!!!!!!!! Started on a Thursday and it was done by Sunday morning. PHEW. I'm happy. DONE. (I think this makes me a project (not process) crocheter.)
It looks awesome!!!
Posted by: Vickie | 08/25/2011 at 07:11 PM